Environmental Health is a regulatory branch of the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH). In Georgia, there are 18 Public Health Districts with many program functions and departments, including public health nursing, immunization, emergency preparedness, epidemiology, children’s dental care, vital records, and many others.

We have Environmental Health offices located in each of our six district counties. Although we work within local counties, and often in county administrative buildings, we are a separate agency from other county government departments. At the local, county/district level, Environmental Health oversees program areas that can be found here.

Our Vision

Our vision for Environmental Health is healthy people, families and communities.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote and protect the health of the people in the North Georgia Health District wherever they live, work and play, through population-based preventive programs including:

  Prevention of epidemics and the spread of disease
  Protection against environmental hazards
  Injury prevention
  Promotion and encouragement of healthy behaviors
  Responding to disasters and assisting communities to recover
  Assisting communities in assessing the quality and accessibility of health services.

Contact EH

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Please include your phone number in the following format: 123-456-7890
Please include a valid email address.
Please select your county.


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