Environmental Health is a regulatory branch of the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH). In Georgia, there are 18 Public Health Districts with many program functions and departments, including public health nursing, immunization, emergency preparedness, environmental health, epidemiology, children’s dental care, vital records, and others.
We have Environmental Health offices located in each of our six district counties. Although we work within local counties, and often in county administrative buildings, we are a separate agency from other county government departments. At the local, county/district level, Environmental Health oversees program areas that can be found here.
As Environmental Health Specialists, we protect lives through surveillance, education, assessment, and enforcement. We are commonly thought of as "health inspectors"; however, this description does not reflect all of our duties. You might find us inspecting a restaurant or body art studio, investigating a case of lead poisoning, evaluating a property for a septic permit, inspecting your neighborhood pool, assisting after disasters, conducting plan reviews for establishments we regulate such as hotels, pools, and restaurants, reviewing a proposed subdivision, educating a homeowner about their septic system, advising an animal bite victim about potential rabies exposure, and much more.
Check back frequently for content updates and please send us your feedback on what you would like to see by going to this link on our website: nghd.org/eh-contact.
We welcome the opportunity to serve you.