Celebrate July 4th Safely!
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Category: Media Releases
North, GA – The Fourth of July is a wonderful time for families and friends to gather for fun, festivities, and celebrations. But this year, COVID-19 is still transmitting in our communities, so it is best to stay close to the people you are with every day. But if you do celebrate with others, please keep in mind key public health precautions, with the most important one being that if you have possible symptoms of COVID-19 or have been around someone over the past 14 days who has recently tested positive for the virus, stay home, protecting yourself and others, and report it to your doctor or a healthcare provider.
Here is a link to the Georgia Department of Public Health website that includes the Georgia COVID-19 Hotline and a list of COVID-19 symptoms: https://dph.georgia.gov/.
This year for the Fourth, do not host or attend gatherings of large groups of people or share food or beverage items, and it is preferable that events are outdoors.
Additionally, be sure to take each of these protective measures:
- Wear a cloth face covering or mask
- Cover coughs and sneezes
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer
- Maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet
- Avoid physical contact with others by not giving hugs, handshakes, high fives or fist bumps
- Keep surfaces and frequently used objects disinfected
- Have an emergency kit handy that includes protective items such as face coverings, tissues, hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol, disinfectant wipes, etc.
- Be mindful of people who are at high risk for becoming infected and have underlying medical conditions that could cause them to become more seriously ill with COVID-19
Also, be sure to get FREE COVID-19 Testing at one of our public health testing sites throughout North Georgia by calling 1-888-881-1474.
For more information about COVID-19 prevention and testing, log onto the North Georgia Health District website at bit.ly/COVID19-Updates-NorthGA.
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Hits: 3360
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Category: Media Releases
Get a FREE COVID-19 test by local public health at the Mack Gaston Community Center this Saturday, June 27! Come to be tested anytime between 8 am and 12 pm. No appointment is necessary. No identification is required. Just come prepared to be tested and to learn more about how to protect yourself, your family and your community from COVID-19.
Mack Gaston Community Center is located at 218 North Frederick Street, Dalton GA 30721. For questions about the testing, call 1-888-881-1474.
For more information about COVID-19 on our website, log onto www.nghd.org.
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Hits: 5239
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Category: Media Releases
¡Obtenga una prueba COVID-19 GRATUITA por parte de la salud pública local en el Centro Comunitario Mack Gaston este sábado 27 de junio! Ven a ser probado en cualquier momento entre las 8 am y 12 pm. No se necesita cita. No se requiere identificación. Solo venga preparado para hacerse la prueba y para aprender más sobre cómo protegerse, proteger a su familia y su comunidad de COVID-19.
El Centro Comunitario Mack Gaston está ubicado en 218 North Frederick Street, Dalton GA 30721. Para preguntas sobre las pruebas, llame al 1-888-881-1474.
Para obtener más información sobre COVID-19 en nuestro sitio web, inicie sesión en www.nghd.org.
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Hits: 5170
Closed Health Depts in North GA Begin Reopening Monday
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Category: Media Releases
North, GA – Health departments in Gilmer, Murray and Pickens counties will begin reopening to the public during the week of Monday, June 8. Of the six county health departments in the North Georgia Health District, these three were temporarily closed as part of the districtwide concerted emergency response to COVID-19 and testing.
Only the most essential public health services are available at this time, and while public health staff in Cherokee, Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Pickens and Whitfield counties continue providing *free COVID-19 testing, health department days and/or hours of services will vary. Also, only the Cherokee County Health Department location in Canton is open to the public. Therefore, residents are required to call for an appointment prior to visiting their local health department.
*(Please refer HERE to the COVID-19 testing schedule as provided by public health in North Georgia. This schedule will change weekly. Call 1-888-881-1474 to register.)
Calling ahead for an appointment will also help protect the public and staff from the spread of COVID-19 through social distancing. Additional protective measures include screening visitors for COVID-19 symptoms as they arrive, and all staff and visitors must wear a face mask when entering the building. Also, clients with appointments must enter alone. Children arriving at the health departments for services must be accompanied by only one adult.
Essential services at the county health departments include:
- STD/HIV testing
- All immunizations for children and adults, including, but not limited to, school required vaccinations, Tdap vaccinations for parents and grandparents of newborns, and Hepatitis A vaccinations
- WIC vouchers – WIC services will continue to be available by phone at all county health departments in the North Georgia Health District. Call 706-370-4700.
Phone numbers for the county health departments are: Cherokee – (770) 345-7371; Fannin – (706) 632-3023; Gilmer – (706) 635-4343; Murray – (706) 695-4585; Pickens – (706) 253-2821; and, Whitfield – (706) 279-9600.
For information about opportunities for Free COVID-19 Testing by public health in North Georgia, go to bit.ly/FREE-COVID-19-Tests_NorthGA.
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Hits: 3976