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Category: Media Releases
Request for Proposals Due May 31, 2017
NORTH GEORGIA HEALTH DISTRICT - The Living Bridge Center is requesting proposals for 2 separate items: 1) The Installation of New Flooring, 2) Renovation/Construction in the building located at 1200 West Waugh, Suite A, in Dalton Georgia. Proposals will be evaluated to determine the most advantageous based on vendor experience and qualifications as well as total cost. Sealed proposals are due no later than 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2017. Proposals are to be mailed or hand delivered to the attention of Stephen Tonya, Financial Operations & Services Manager of the North Georgia Health District - Please see attachments for all details, including mailing instructions and specifications.
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Hits: 3474
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Category: Media Releases
Request for Proposals Due April 28
NORTH GEORGIA HEALTH DISTRICT - The Living Bridge Center is requesting proposals for 3 separate items: 1) The Installation of New Flooring, 2) Medical Equipmemt Furnishing, and 3) Renovation/Construction in the building located at 1200 West Waugh, Suite A, in Dalton Georgia. Proposals will be evaluated to determine the most advantageous based on vendor experience and qualifications as well as total cost. Sealed proposals are due no later than 1 p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2017. Proposals are to be mailed or hand delivered to the attention of Stephen Tonya, Financial Operations & Services Manager of the North Georgia Health District - Please see attachments for all details, including mailing instructions and specifications.
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Hits: 5452
Immunization is the Power to Protect Infants
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Category: Media Releases
National Infant Immunization Week starts April 22!
North Georgia – Giving babies the recommended immunizations by age two is the best way to protect them from 14 serious childhood diseases.
The week of April 22-29, 2017 has been declared National Infant Immunization Week, and health departments within the North Georgia Health District in Cherokee, Fannin, Gilmer, Murray, Pickens and Whitfield Counties are helping to ensure that children are protected against 14 vaccine-preventable diseases by the age of two. The health departments not only provide these vaccines, but they also encourage parents to make vaccinating their children a priority and urge them to talk to family and friends about protecting their children with vaccines. Vaccines and all information are available at the local health department. Click on the LOCATIONS tab above to find the address and phone number for each of our county health departments.
Currently, the United States has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in its history.
Vaccine-preventable diseases still circulate in the United States and around the world, so continued vaccination is necessary to protect everyone from potential outbreaks. Even when diseases are rare in the U.S., they can be brought into the country, putting unvaccinated children at risk.
Most parents vaccinate their children, resulting in high vaccine coverage rates in the U.S.
When people are unvaccinated, outbreaks of diseases like pertussis (whooping cough) and measles can—and do—return.
It is important to vaccinate children on time, according to the childhood immunization schedule, to provide the best protection early in life, when babies are vulnerable and before they are likely to be exposed to diseases.
Since 1994, National Infant Immunization Week has encouraged parents, caregivers, and health care professionals to participate in increasing the awareness of the importance of immunizing children before their second birthday. Refer to the Georgia Department of Public Health's website for immunization scheduling at
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Hits: 3711