Natl Prep Month ready 2023

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The Ready Campaign’s 2023 National Preparedness Month theme is “Take Control in 1, 2, 3”. The campaign will focus on preparing older adults for disasters, specifically older adults from communities that are disproportionally impacted by the all-hazard events, which continue to threaten the nation.

We know older adults can face greater risks when it comes to the multitude of extreme weather events and emergencies we now face, especially if they are living alone, are low-income, have a disability, or live in rural areas.

We urge emergency managers and all those who work with and support older adult communities to access the new webpage available in English and Spanish languages at Ready.gov/older-adults and Ready.gov/es/adultos-mayores. For more information on preparing people with disabilities visit Ready.gov/disability or Ready.gov/es/discapacidad in Spanish.

For information about how the North Georgia Health District is helping the people, families, and communities in our area prepare for disasters, click HERE to our Emergency Preparedness and Response page!