Officials of North Georgia Health District 1-2 of the Georgia Department of Public Health recently delivered the trailer containing 50 cots to the Gilmer County Department of Public Safety as part of a wider effort to prepare communities for emergencies. The equipment was purchased through designated Public Health Emergency Preparedness federal funds.
Tony Pritchett, Director of the Gilmer County Department of Public Safety, said, “We very much appreciate the health district for seeing the need for this equipment and for supplying the trailer and cots.”
As the result of hazardous winter weather and floods that sometimes occur in Gilmer County, there is often the need to open shelters for residents affected by these conditions.
“Gilmer County is the area within our health district that is at greatest risk for displaced persons due to winter weather power outages or flooding from heavy rains,” said David Huskey, Director of Emergency Preparedness for the North Georgia Health District. “Therefore, this county is in greatest need of shelter supplies. Through the partnership between the North Georgia Health District and the Gilmer County Department of Public Safety, these supplies will now be readily available.”
For more information about how individuals, families and communities can prepare for emergencies, click here on the North Georgia Health District website at nghd.org/district-programs/ep.