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Canton, GA – May 11th Update: Georgians 12 and older are invited to a FAMILY NIGHT COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic hosted by Cherokee County Health Department on Tuesdays at the Canton Health Center. Family Night hours are 4 PM to 6 PM. NO Appointment is needed. No ID required. COVID-19 Vaccine is FREE! Pfizer, Moderna and J&J COVID-19 Vaccine will be offered, as available, depending on supply. Children ages 12 through 17 are only permitted Pfizer vaccine, and all minors must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian to be vaccinated. The Cherokee County Health Department health center in Canton is at 1219 Univeter Road, Canton, GA 30115. Come get vaccinated and protect yourself, your family, and your community from COVID-19!

COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic Cherokee Health Dept Family Night Tuesdays flyer EngCOVID 19 Vaccine Clinic Cherokee Health Dept Family Night Tuesdays flyer Sp