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Timeline to be Determined

Atlanta – Following a thorough safety review, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the CDC and ACIP have determined that the recommended pause regarding the use of the J&J COVID vaccine in the U.S. should be lifted.

The Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) will again offer J&J vaccine to Georgians aged 18 and older. Details on when administration of the vaccine will begin again in Georgia will be forthcoming, pending communication with providers.

The federal agencies advised that a warning should be added to the vaccine about the potential for very rare, but severe blood clots associated with the J&J vaccine. In particular, women under the age of 50 should be made of aware of the increased risk of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia syndrome and may choose to receive another vaccine.

At the time J&J vaccine administration was paused, more than 124,000 doses of J&J vaccine had been safely administered in Georgia. Approximately 211,000 doses are currently in inventory statewide.

Vaccination remains one of our best tools for stopping the spread of COVID-19, along with basic prevention measures – wearing a mask, distancing from others, avoiding large gatherings, and washing your hands frequently.

For information about COVID vaccines or to schedule a vaccination appointment, visit dph.ga.gov/covid-vaccine.

For updates on COVID-19, follow @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Twitter and @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Facebook.